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Office: (901) 756-5400
Email: mspikesdon't spam me@ffasurg.org

26th State-of-the-Art in Facial Aesthetics

Jung Hotel,
New Orleans, LA

March 28-31, 2019

Register Now

Friday Highlights

TK1-Fri-815-Silver-Eyelid Ptosis and Blepharoplasy-diagnosis and Treatment

TK1-Fri-830-Martin- presentation ptosis 2017

TK1-Fri-900-Martin-presentation UL BPY eng

TK1-Fri-1045-Metzinger-Tranconjuntival upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty

TK1-Fri-1115-BUNIN-Evaluation of the Lower Eyelid

Tk1-Fri-1145-Martin-lower lid fat repo

TK1-Fri-130-BUNIN-LL tightening & cheek lift

TK1-Fri-345-Lettieri-Frontal_Branch Facial Nerve Anatomy_20170324

TK1-Fri-400-Shire-Minimal Incision Brow Lift- Non-endoscopic

TK1-Fri-430-Martin-Temporal Browlift Options

Saturday Highlights

TK1-Sat-815-Shire-Incision Design for the most Natural Facelift

TK2-Sat-830-Rodwell-Non Surgical Rhinoplasty

TK1-Sat-1045-Beaty-A Progressive Approach to Facelifting, Evolution of my Technique

TK1-Sat-1100-Gentile-Understanding the Spectrum of Vertical Vector Rhytidectomy

TK1-Sat-1150-Terino-The Final Challenge

TK1-Sat-215-Jordan-Direct Cervicoplasty

TK1-Sat-230-Gentile-Neck Rejuvenation Conturing, Lifting, or Both

TK1-Sat-445-Massiha-Mid-Face Cheek Lifting During Lower Lid Blepharoplasty

TK1-Sat-400-Shire-Contouring Jawline

Sunday Highlights

TK1-Sun-800-Martin-Illegal Fillers and complications

TK1-Sun-830-Jordan-Complications of Fillers for Facial Rejuvenation

TK1-Sun-845-Martin-Neurotoxin complications

TK1-Sun-915-Martin-Mycrobacteria after Facial Fat Transfer

TK1-Sun-900-Holcome-Laser Skin Rejuvenation Complications and Management

TK1-Sun-1030-Cox-Romancing_the_Scar_-_Meddling_with_Natural corrected version

TK1-Sun-1100-Gentile-Tips for correcting Nasolabial Folds in Rhytidectomy

TK1-Sun-1115-Langsdon-Complications of Facelifting

TK1-Sun-1130-Vasconez-Complications of bleph

TK1-Sun-1130-Silver-What I do to Avoid Complcations in my Practice

TK1-Sun-1130-Gentile-What I do to Avoid Complcations in my Practice




26th State-of-the-Art in Facial Aesthetics

At the Jung Hotel in New Orleans

March 28-31, 2019

Symposium Sponsors

Candace Crowe Design Galderma logo Allergan