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26th State-of-the-Art in Facial Aesthetics

Jung Hotel,
New Orleans, LA

March 28-31, 2019

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Webinar Wednesday Sign Up

Save the Dates!
The next Webinar Wednesday is March 6th.

Past Webinar Wednesdays:


February 6, 2019

Karen Zupko, KZA, Strategic Scheduling and Your Bottomline

Hosted by TK Crowe, Candace Crowe Design.

December 5, 2018

Ryan Miller, Etna Interactive, Service: The Hottest Thing in Online Marketing
Sam Peek, Incredible Marketing, Smaller Audience, Bigger Returns: Building a Social Media Brand

Hosted by TK Crowe, Candace Crowe Design.

October 10, 2018

Dana Fox, Page 1 Solutions, Even Cosmetic Practices Need a Face Lift Now and Then
JuliAnn Y. Geldner, the Geldner Group, How to Avoid a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit
TK Crowe, Candace Crowe Design, Email Marketing Best Practices.


August 15, 2018

Candace Crowe, Candace Crowe Design, The Power of Before & After Stories
Catherine Maley, Cosmetic Image Marketing, Finding Your Preferred Patient
Jonathan Kaplan, MD, Build My Bod, Price Transparency & the Sales Funnel

Monthly Educator Articles:

The Benefits of Before and After Stories
Candace Crowe, Candace Crowe Design
We have been taught to take clinical photos and use them in our marketing. I pose the question: could we achieve better communication and expectations by telling stories?


Decide Who Your “Preferred” Patient is
Catherine Maley, Cosmetic Image Marketing
Thanks to the economic, social and technological trends, and with the help of the Kardashians, plastic surgery has gone mainstream. That means anybody can be in the market for your services.


Get to know your potential patients before your competition does!
Jonathan Kaplan, MD, Build My Bod
Let’s assume everyone promotes their practice through social media or more traditional advertising. How would a doctor stand out among the competition such that a patient finds one practice over another?


Your Staff is In Total Control of Your Revenue
Dana Fox, Strategic Edge
Here’s the bottom line: A well-trained and dedicated staff can turn a struggling practice into a highly successful scheduling machine – producing happy patients that tell their friends and family, generating even more patients.


Medical Malpractice Lawsuits: How to Avoid Getting Sued
JuliAnn Y. Geldner, J.D., L.LM
There are three major reasons patients sue: improper performance of surgery, improper management of surgical patients, and improper performance of treatment. So, how do you deal with these issues?


Letters to Sterling: A Website Review Page That’s About Them
Candace Crowe, Candace Crowe Design
The hero of your practice is the patient. You are the guide in their life story. Remember the reason they come to you is to make their lives better. Focus on them and your life is rewarded.


David Evans, MBA, PhDDamage Control: Dealing with Negative Online Reviews in Three Simple Steps
David Evans, MBA, PhD, Ceatus Media Group
Few things can stunt practice growth or elicit more emotion than a negative review, but having a system in place to handle negative reviews and generate positive comments can blunt these effects.


W. Marshall Guy, MDGetting you name out there without social media
W. Marshall Guy, MD, Dr. Guy Facial Plastic Surgery
When first starting, most do not have deep pockets and the ability to spend a lot on marketing. Marketing is the life blood for new clients, so how can you get around this early on?


Jason TuschmanProfit-Driven Patient Acquisition
Jason Tuschman, Red Spot Interactive
The success of your practice is dependent upon the return on investment (ROI) you receive from your patient acquisition process. The following factors contribute to the process (new patient from marketing analysis only).


26th State-of-the-Art in Facial Aesthetics

At the Jung Hotel in New Orleans

March 28-31, 2019

Symposium Sponsors

Candace Crowe Design Galderma logo Allergan